Monday, July 16, 2007

It's A Monthly Thing

Apparently I'm going to blog once a month. Between working, keeping in touch with friends and doing general life stuff, I don't have much time for blogging anymore. Anyway, a quick synopsis of what has been going on...

Working in Green Monday-Friday, 8:30A-5:30P
Moving to my Mom's old townhouse as soon as she moves out (week or two)
Up to 8 rats (Beeker, Blackie, Rambo, Baby, Captain Jack, Mr. Rogers, Fred and El Presidente)
Two fish (Fred the Algae Eater and Betta)
12 Tattoos (another one this Friday at 6PM)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Special Title

I have the tiniest labret stud right now. It's an interior thread with a tiny crystal on the end. I keep pulling on it, and I'm going to wind up pulling it clear through my lip. I need to stop.

My first week of work went well. I think I'll fit in nicely, and no one said anything about my centered labret. I'm going to wear all three studs tomorrow and see if anyone says anything. When I was hired I was told it was OK to wear the jewelry as long as no one complained.

I found the perfect duplex. Last weekend I was driving around, and saw a for rent sign in the front yard. It's a really cute building in a good neighborhood (Jackson Township.) It's further away from my job, but it's 100% what I want, for the price I want. Two bedrooms, 1.5 bath, attached garage, yard, central air, basement, w/d hookup, garbage disposal, dishwasher and it's in a quiet neighborhood. The best part? Only $550/mo. I'm going to see it next weekend, and hopefully I'll be able to move in the 1st of August. I could only hope for a garage door opener.

I should clean the rat cages.

My KARR tattoo is all healed up and looks really nice. I'm going back next weekend to get my Firebird tattoo touched up again. For some reason the black in the tattoo isn't staying put. I have other tattoos from Art Bomb which have black ink, and they're fine. Must be my skin or something. In any event, TJ assured me he will keep touching it up until I'm happy.

Time to play with the boys.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Woo Woo

New tattoo Saturday afternoon @ 3. TJ's doing the KARR voice modulator, right below my left kneecap. I want it on my kneecap, but he vetoed the idea. Anyway, I'm excited.

Itchy leg.

I'm super-excited about my new job on Monday.

Tired, and this isn't going anywhere.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

We'll Miss You Lucifer

Lucifer (Black Self Rex Dumbo) crossed the Rainbow Bridge this morning around 7. He'll be buried in Parma, OH with Robert the Cat and Mr. Nibbly (Sexy Rexy.)

He's already missed.

Love you Luci.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Why Again?

Yet another one of the boys is dying. Lucifer is very sick and has stopped eating and drinking. If he makes it through the night I'll be very surprised. We haven't even had him that long; 10 days today. Morgan brought Lucifer home the day after Mr. Nibbly died, and Lucifer wound up sick too. It's strange because the other 5 seem to be fine. El Presidente sneezes a lot but his breathing's fine, his nose is clear and he acts 100% normal. I'll receive my first check from my new job the last week of June, and I'm taking everyone to the vet. It'll cost around $250 for the exams, and another $150 if everyone needs meds, but at least I won't have to worry about anyone else getting sick. This is becoming a little too much for me to handle.

In other news I turned in my resignation letter yesterday. My last day at Stark State is June 8th and my first day at the new place is June 11th. I'm beyond excited. I have to go in on Monday to go over my employment offer and benefits package. Yes, a benefits PACKAGE. I'm geeked out beyond words. Now I'm looking forward to moving in September. It'll have to be around here, though, and not the Cleveland area. South Akron, Greentown, Uniontown, Green, Bath and North Canton are all possibilities, and I guess Mogadore and Tallmadge are as well. It's going to take me a while to find the perfect place, so I plan on beginning my search in mid-July. I'll have 60 days to find the perfect place. I just hope that's enough time.

Lucifer is laying all cute on top of his tissue box. Poor guy, I feel so bad for him but there's nothing I can do. The vet isn't in until Monday, and the Stark County Vet Hospital won't treat a rat. Assholes.

I need to finish cleaning the apartment, then get the dirty clothes into the Grand Prix. Bah, I hate housework.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


New job, yay me. I start June 11th. More later.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Wow, A Post!

Another layout redesign. This one's kinda cool, so maybe I'll visit more. The problem is I have too many blogs, and I need to condense them into one. Maybe someday I will.

I had another rat pass away on Tuesday. Mr. Nibbly (Sexy Rexy) wound up catching pneumonia. He was a good boy, and I miss him very much.

I'm up to 6 rats now. Beeker (Pink-Eyed White,) Baby (Berkshire Cocoa Dumbo,) Mr. Rogers (Standard Black Berkshire,) El Presidente (Agouti Dumbo,) Captain Jack (Russian Blue Berkshire Dumbo) and Lucifer (Black Self Rex Dumbo.) A couple of my boys are fine examples of their color/breed, but I can't bring myself to begin breeding them. There's no way I could handle everything involved, so maybe I'll stud my boys. LOL There are tons of photos at my flickr account.

I should go to bed. I'll try updating more often.

Friday, May 04, 2007


Not a lot has been going on since my last post, but I figured I'd update anyway. I keep trying to redesign the blog so I want to visit and post, but it isn't working. Anyway, on to the update.

When Robert the Cat died I wasn't too hip to getting another rat. Two months later, I now have 3 rats. Beeker's the oldest, and a good boy. He's an Albino rat who thinks he's a squirrel. Baby is the youngest, and smallest (Dumbo rat.) I've had him a little over a week, and thankfully he's still alive. When I got him the breeder told me he just needed some TLC since he was the runt. Additionally, she said if I didn't take him she'd feed him to her snake. So yeah, Baby came home with me. It turned out the poor little guy had pneumonia. He's much better, though, and gaining weight. The $73 vet bill was 100% worth it. He's very friendly and cuddly, almost like a cat. Originally Baby's friend and cage mate was Sneezy (Big Ears, a Dumbo rat like Baby.) Turns out Sneezy was a girl, so I had to take her back. She was a good girl, albeit slightly hyper. She's going to be sold as a pet, not snake food, because she's perfectly healthy. Anyway, I took her back Wednesday and got Mr. Nibbly (Sexy Rexy, Rex rat) as a friend for Baby. He's a good boy, and gets along well with Baby. All three rats seem to play well together, but the two smaller ones are too little for Beeker's new cage (they'd escape through the cage sides.) If Beeker's in an especially good mood, he'll give the other two rides around the bathtub on his back. I can't have a cat in this apartment, so the boys are my only pets for now, other than Fred the Chinese Algae Eater. I'll probably always have at least one rat from now on, even when I move in September and finally get a cat.

Work is work. I've established a nice routine, and know what's expected of me. I'm actively searching for a different job, because Governor Strickland cut funding (I work at a college) and I'm afraid I'll get "downsized." Hopefully I'll find something soon, in between here and Cleveland. I'm thinking of moving to North Royalton/Lakewood in September. I figure I can afford $400-$450 a month for rent, and since I'm living in a studio apartment right now, even an small one bedroom apartment will seem like a mansion. Rent's more expensive in North Royalton/Lakewood, but I should still be able to find something acceptable for $450 a month. But yeah, that's not until September and only if I find a different job.

The upstairs neighbor is stomping around at 2:30 in the morning. He's suck a cocksmooch. I would go into examples, but I'm actually tired, so I'm going to wrap this up.

Photos of the new pets are at my Flickr account in the Pets set.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Baby's Birthday Party & Other Things

The baby's 1st birthday party was yesterday. We wound up being an hour and a half late, but we finally arrived! There were 6-7 areas of snow, then clear roads. On the way home, the snow arrived, and stayed, for the last 20 minutes of the drive. Overall, though, a fun time was had by all. The baby made out like a bandit with goodies, and he seemed to enjoy his first birthday cake. Photos are in a MySpace album, and are set to private. If you're not on MySpace, or aren't one of my MySpace friends, email me for the photos. I'll also have them on Flickr, but set to private as well.

I just found out two of my favorite bloggers are no longer living together. For whatever reason, I've never actually met them, I'm upset. Maybe because they seemed so well-suited for each other? They're still friends, but don't live together anymore. Guess nothing's as it seems.

I really need to hang up the clean clothes, then wash the dirty ones. I figure if I wash clothes once a week, I won't wind up with 7 baskets of clothes at once. Yeah, that sucks.

I've run out of steam already.....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Lucky Asses

Heh, I am one lucky ass. Tuesday night after the concert, we went to the Garage Bar. Well, on the way from the Garage Bar we got pulled over. Yeah, we were both smashed, but somehow we didn't wind up in jail. This is good.

The concert was good, and the weather cooperated.

Today's the baby's birthday! Tomorrow is his party.

I slept all day because I'm lazy. Now, I need food.

Morgan brought home another rat. I told him not to, but of course he didn't listen. I pretty much ignore it because he's not nearly as cool as Robert was.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Hard Realization

Last night I came to the realization I can't depend upon anyone, not even my own mother. This is pretty hard to realize, but I'd suspected so for quite a while. It would be nice to have at least one person I could depend on, but I don't. I guess the old saying really is true; everyone lets you down in the end.

In other news, I spent 3 hours last night at Aultman's Emergency Department. I managed to get myself a pretty decent pinched nerve in my neck. All I know is it hurts like a bastard, and it's been like this for over a week. The Valium seems to help, but I don't know if I'll be able to take one and go to work. So I guess I'm stuck hurting during the day, and passing the fuck out at night. At least I can sleep, though.

Tuesday is the Type O Negative show in Cleveland. I'm going with my friend Jess, then we're going to the Garage Bar afterward. Luckily I don't have to be at work until 2PM on Wednesday. Speaking of work, I get Friday off since it's a holiday!

Friday the baby will be a year old. His party is Saturday at 2PM. Anyone who wants photos email me; I'm no longer posting his photos online.

I get to wash clothes tonight. I only have 7 baskets to wash and dry. Yay.

This blog is getting stale, but I'm not ready to quit just yet.

Friday, March 09, 2007


This week has sucked. Robert the Cat died early Tuesday morning. My "friends" suck ass (more on the later.) The Firebird's starter is going bad, again. The Grand Prix was dead from Saturday evening until late this evening. I'm hopeful it's the keys causing the problem and the local Chevy dealer said they'll test the keys for free.

Now we'll touch on my "friends." The "I've been busy" excuse doesn't mean anything to me. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, but if you're a true friend you make time for a phone call or email once or twice a week. One of my true friends has 2 kids, works and has a boyfriend to take care of too. She manages to talk with me at least once a week. And no, I don't expect people to always call me. Quite the contrary, actually. I'm usually the one doing all of the calling/emailing/etc because people refuse to put forth effort. Almost equally as lame is the "I'm in a bad place mentally" excuse, or any of its lame variants. Get fucked. We all have shitty days, weeks or months. Pull your head out of your ass and realize your friends are here to help you through those times. You fuck around long enough, and when you're "feeling better" you won't have any friends. What pisses me off the most is when people ask me to be understanding. Oh, get fucked. You can call on your way home from work, while you're waiting on dinner to finish or while you're washing clothes. Oh wait, that would require EFFORT and we can't have that, now can we? The best are "friends" who simply disappear. I love knowing someone for years, then one day they disappear to never talk to me again. Nice way to have a spine, assholes (yep, it's happened with more than one person.) I love people who waste my time with empty promises and excuses as to why their time is worth more than our friendship.

I now have 3 labret piercings. They rock the house. Equally as rocking is my Michael Myers tattoo. Photos are at my MySpace page,

I painted my fingernails, but they will inevitably look like ass.

My eyebrows need waxed something fierce. I should get that taken care of tomorrow.

I've vented, now I shall slumber.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Time For Hibernation

Now I realize why all of the smart animals hibernate; winter is cold! The temperatures have been well below zero (with wind chill) for almost a week. School was canceled yesterday and today because of the cold, which is crazy. I can't remember school being canceled one time because it was too cold. But anyway, yeah, it's cold.

What do I do when it's balls cold? Go shopping, of course! I found some awesome deals over the weekend. On Friday, I scored this incredibly cute rolling suitcase for $22! Now I have the peeeenk one, and this as well ($9.) For some reason the duffel comes up as having wheels, but it doesn't. Oh, and who can forget the awesome laptop bag ($8.75?) Now, if I only had somewhere to take my awesome Isaac luggage.
While at Target, I scored this HP photo printer for $35! Yes, $35!!!! I guess it's being discontinued, but I don't care. The cartridge, HP110, is used for other items and is pretty cheap ($20.) The photos from this printer are great, and the printer is 100% portable. It even has a cute little handle! (Shut up)
Finally, at the end of my Friday shopping excursion, I bit the bullet and purchased this laser printer at Office Max. The best part is I picked it up for under $100, including the one-year replacement warranty. It seems to be a nice printer, and it's pretty small for a laser printer. The toner cartridge isn't too bad, $65, and is supposed to yield 3,000 pages or so. Even with all online classes this semester, it'll take me a while to print 3,000 pages, so I figure it was a good investment.

Morgan and I were going somewhere on Saturday, I think it was to see Ducky, when we realized the Grand Prix's speakers had suddenly began to suck. It sounded as though all 4 speakers had blown out at once. On Sunday we decided to buy new speakers for the car. We spent more than I wanted to, but the rears sound awesome. I'm picking up the front set today; they were out of stock at the Canton store, so I have to run to Chapel Hill (Cuyahoga Falls) and pick them up. I also bought 3 DVD's from Best Buy. I couldn't help myself, they were only $5 each, and I had to use the remaining $15 on the gift card. Instead of using cash to buy the speakers, I ran to Giant Eagle (local grocery store chain) and purchased $150 in Best Buy gift cards. For every $50 spent at Giant Eagle, we receive 20 cents off per gallon of gas. On Friday I used our $1.60 off per gallon, and we already have another 80 cents off per gallon! Which is good, because the Grand Prix needs gas again. But yeah, cheap gas is good.

On Saturday it was 15 degrees below zero, and there are Morgan and I feeding Ducky. We stopped to check on her, and she gave us the "where's my food" look. So we ran to the store, and bought her some bread. Upon our return, I took that photo of her. Crappy camera phone photo, but you get the point.

I went to bed at 9:30 last night. Not on purpose, mind you. I laid down to get warm, and wound up falling asleep. I woke up at 4AM and have been up ever since.

Michael Myers tattoo tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7PM. It's going to rock the house.

Freezing, must cover up.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Robert the Cat

I came home from work today, and found this sitting on the TV stand:

OK, right now he's cute and semi-cuddly. We named him Robert the Cat. Bonus points if you know what his name's in reference to.

Gah, I need to get off the Internet.

Friday, January 19, 2007


This week has been so painful on different levels. Physically I have two new tattoos, both of which weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Crow wasn't anywhere near as painful as Servo was, and the Firebird tattoo hurts more now than it did while I was getting it. The labret (lip piercing) didn't hurt at all during the actual piercing, and only swelled for a day, if that. It was more of a getting used to it thing the first couple days, and now I'm completely used to it. For some reason this week dragged by, even with Monday being a holiday. I started a new schedule this week; no my permanent schedule, but only 20 hours a week. While 20 hours a week is nice, I'm getting the crap schedule because Angel has 2 kids. She can't work the evenings because of her kids, which is cool. I prefer evenings anyway, but I'll be glad when my schedule is a normal Monday-Thursday from 1PM-6PM. I've had quite a few "issues" at work with computers and stuff, but I fixed everything I could because I rock! Overall I'm going to enjoy this job, and it gives me plenty of study time as well.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Blogger's Still Pissing Me Off

But really, what choice do I have? I'm too lazy to learn a new method of blogging, so I'm stuck here. The only thing I'm pissed off about is my inability to switch to the new version of Blogger. I guess, after blogging for over 4 years I shouldn't complain too much.

This weekend was busy, busy, busy. Got a new tattoo and piercing, drove to Pittsburgh and didn't sleep very much. Sounds fun, yes?

I'm getting another tattoo Wednesday. I'd have got it Saturday, but the copier was out of toner and my artist wants to do something way cool with Crow T. Robot. I can't wait to see the finished product.

I should finish putting away clean clothes, then set up the new aquarium. It's only a 10 gallon, but it'll be plenty big enough for our new Betta, Rambo (Morgan named him.)

I'm off.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I Dislike Blogger

Blogger's pissing me off.

That is all.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

All Work & No Pay

Makes Lisa a pissed off girl. I was supposed to get paid yesterday. The mail just went, and I didn't receive my paycheck today either. Why the college doesn't pass out checks like every other employer is beyond me. But yeah, I didn't get paid and I'm soooooo happy about it, I could piss myself.

In other news, we haven't yet purchased the Grand Prix. We're shooting for the middle of next week.

Nothing else to say, really.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy Moo Year

So we went to The Chamber for New Year's Eve. It sucked. There was a 35-40 minute line for the bar, I'm not touching buffet food at a club and annoying people were plentiful. The only nice thing was Ohio's smoking ban went into effect, so the air was clear. Next year, unless they open the Phantasy portion as well, we're finding something else to do.

Barb and Kanon got me a $50 gift card for Torrid. Morgan and I stopped there on the way home since clearance was an additional 50% off. I walked out with this shirt, this pair of jeans and this pair of jeans. Total? $52.12. I rule. I may exchange the shirt for this one, though. I was in a hurry and completely forgot about the Zim shirts.
I have a couple Hello Kitty shirts, but no Zim shirts.

Today I'm proctoring testing until 2PM, then going home at 3. I really don't want to be here today, I didn't get to sleep until almost 1AM, but at least it's a job. Besides, the 15th I switch to my new 20 hour a week schedule.

Buying a Grand Prix Saturday as long as Shay or her boyfriend can find the title. LOL

Eh, I'm spent.