Thursday, October 26, 2006

Where's The Candy?

The last weekend before Halloween is quickly approaching. It's starting off with a bang, too. Friday at 7PM I'm going to see Saw 3. Then Saturday I'm open, Sunday is the Ohio Firebirds meeting in Mentor and Monday is the original Halloween at a theater in Middleburg Heights. I am beyond excited about the whole original Halloween in a theater. I've seen Halloween 6, 7 and 8 in the theater, so it'll be cool to see the original as well. I'm sure Morgan and I will go to a haunted house Saturday, but I'm not sure which one. Probably the Factory of Terror since we went to the Haunted Schoolhouse and Laboratory last year. Part of me wants to visit Point Pleasant, WV again, and to explore the TNT area this time. I dunno, I'll have to MapBlast it and see how far we are from there (the last time we went it was a side trip to Huntington, WV.)

Then, the next weekend is Dark X-mas in Austintown. A former professor is going to be there, and so are a bunch of other cool people. I can't wait!

Generally I'm in a cranky not-too-upbeat mood. I seriously can't stand anymore of people telling me they're too busy to call me. Or too busy to keep plans with me. I actually had someone tell me today my friends grow up, pair off and we grow apart. What? So because someone gets older they should completely ignore someone they've known for years? Some of these people I've known for almost 10 years. It's OK for them to stop speaking with me altogether, with no explanation? I truly don't understand why people do this to me. I'm not expecting anyone to be at my beck and call, but an email every couple weeks is good. Or, I dunno, a reply to one of my emails is nice. A phone call once in a while is nice as well. When I say people disappear, I mean just that. One day I talk to them, everything's fine and that's it; I never hear from them again. It's complete bullshit if you ask me. Even when I worked 45 hours a week and drove 2 hours each way to/from work, I didn't ignore my friends. I made sure to call once a week (at least,) and reply to all of my emails within a couple days of receipt. Yeah, I've fucked up sometimes, but come on people. No one is that fucking busy. Pretty much, everyone ignores me until there is absolutely nothing left to do, short of eating broken glass. Then, they decide to email me. Fabulous. At least I'm still better than eating broken glass, I guess.

Cranky much? Nah.

I mailed 3 more resumes today. Lets see how many people don't call me!


Saturday, October 14, 2006


Gee, I have an exciting evening ahead of me. Homework and two tests for school. Whoop de do. I guess I'll wash my car, or at least vacuum it out tomorrow, then I'm going to haunted houses with Maggie tomorrow evening. Monday I start my job, but it's only for a week. Thank goodness, because having to be at Akron U by 8AM will suck. Next week in general will suck, but at least I'll make some money.

After I finish my schoolwork I think I'll watch some Halloween on DVD. Rather be out doing something fun, but whatever.

This is going nowhere fast.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I Need To Simmer Down

I am so angry at humans in general...I need to calm down, but I really can't. I'm tired of giving people second chances (and third and fourth) to have them do the exact same thing they did before. Gah, I give up.

In other news, I'd like to see Saw III and Jackass Number Two. Not this weekend, but maybe in two weekends I can see Jackass, and Saw if I can get tickets. I used to go to the movies all the time, and I love going. Hopefully I'll be able to start going to more flicks in the theater.

My DVD's arrived today. I now have Halloween 1-5, and 8 on DVD. Woo! I've had the original for years, but this one was supposed to be the hologram cover version, which it isn't. I had the fancy cover version, but my Mom let Kieth borrow a bunch of my DVD's (including that one,) and I never got them back. Grrrrrrrrr.

Why are my glasses always dirty?

I should go to bed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I have a couple job interviews this week, with one of them an almost definite hire. Downside to the almost definite is it's only a week position for a temp agency. It pays $400 for the week, but it's still only one week. Another position, permanent, is right around the corner from the apartment. Oh well, we'll see what happens.

Heh, I bought fangs and devil horns for Halloween. According to most of the guys I know, the devil horns are very appropriate. I'm pleading the 5th, though.

Our 2nd exam in Intro to Networking is tomorrow. I'm confident I'll get a much better grade on this exam because the material is much more "real-life" than abstract stuff like last time. (Hello run-on sentance.) I'll do a little more studying in the morning, and that'll be all.

Morgan and I are attending our friend's CD release party Friday. She's a very intelligent, and nice, person, which makes her a great person with whom to converse.

Wooo, my hair is to my butt crack. I'm not quite sure why this makes me happy, but it does.

This stuff could lead me to heavy drinking again. It is sooooooooo good, well the Raspberry is, at least. The downside is, I purchased it at Marc's. This means it's a closeout product, dammit. I should stock up now. Seriously, it is sooooooooooooo good.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

New Stuff

I went shopping at Torrid earlier in the week. I purchased a dress, shoes, hosiery and a bustier. Total spent was $37 with tax. Heh, the dress was a penny. Yes, a PENNY at Torrid (regular price of $64.) Freaking rock! I'm wearing the dress, hosiery and shoes to our friend Michelle Belanger's CD release party at the Chamber on Friday the 13th. Apparently I'm going to wear the outfit to the Bella Morte/Hanzel und Gretyl show as well, since the show is next to the Chamber prior to Michelle's CD release. Gah, the shoes are going to kill me.

Speaking of shoes...I went to DSW last night. I finally received my $10 certificate, so I buzzed over there to hopefully buy the blue leather Adidas Tuscany shoes. Not only did I find them, but they were on clearance. Double woo!

And, to top off the shopping week of bliss, last night I found the Mass Transit bus shower curtain at Target. Yep, it was on clearance too, for $3.25. I'm so addicted to Target.

Hopefully you've noticed the different blog address. Yep, I'm no longer TheLawnBunny. That nickname is from a period in my life I'd like to forget. A total waste of 4.5 years, but looking back, it's helped me realize how people truly are. So, my new URL for my blog, and my MoBlog, are and, respectively. Pretty much everything has been switched over, but the only way to access my old posts are by clicking the archives link. I have no idea how to actually merge the two accounts into one, so that's how I have to do it for now.

I have a lot to think about. Some rather significant life changes may occur soon, and I'm not sure what I want to do just yet. I need time alone to think things through, but that'll never happen with living in a studio apartment. And, without the ability to think about things, nothing will happen. Suffice to say I'm unhappy with my current situation, and need to evaluate what my options are in regard to my unhappiness.

This evening Morgan and I went to Monument Park in Canton. It's the park by the Football Hall of Fame and the McKinley Monument. During the day it's relatively safe, and nice to visit. While there, we saw a really cool duck. We're going back tomorrow to feed her, and take more photos (battery was dead on the camera.)

I guess I'll put away the clean clothes, watch some TV then read a Haunted Ohio book.

I'm a dork.

That is all.