This week has sucked. Robert the Cat died early Tuesday morning. My "friends" suck ass (more on the later.) The Firebird's starter is going bad, again. The Grand Prix was dead from Saturday evening until late this evening. I'm hopeful it's the keys causing the problem and the local Chevy dealer said they'll test the keys for free.
Now we'll touch on my "friends." The "I've been busy" excuse doesn't mean anything to me. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, but if you're a true friend you make time for a phone call or email once or twice a week. One of my true friends has 2 kids, works and has a boyfriend to take care of too. She manages to talk with me at least once a week. And no, I don't expect people to always call me. Quite the contrary, actually. I'm usually the one doing all of the calling/emailing/etc because people refuse to put forth effort. Almost equally as lame is the "I'm in a bad place mentally" excuse, or any of its lame variants. Get fucked. We all have shitty days, weeks or months. Pull your head out of your ass and realize your friends are here to help you through those times. You fuck around long enough, and when you're "feeling better" you won't have any friends. What pisses me off the most is when people ask me to be understanding. Oh, get fucked. You can call on your way home from work, while you're waiting on dinner to finish or while you're washing clothes. Oh wait, that would require EFFORT and we can't have that, now can we? The best are "friends" who simply disappear. I love knowing someone for years, then one day they disappear to never talk to me again. Nice way to have a spine, assholes (yep, it's happened with more than one person.) I love people who waste my time with empty promises and excuses as to why their time is worth more than our friendship.
I now have 3 labret piercings. They rock the house. Equally as rocking is my Michael Myers tattoo. Photos are at my MySpace page, www.myspace.com/thepooper
I painted my fingernails, but they will inevitably look like ass.
My eyebrows need waxed something fierce. I should get that taken care of tomorrow.
I've vented, now I shall slumber.