New job, yay me. I start June 11th. More later.
Another layout redesign. This one's kinda cool, so maybe I'll visit more. The problem is I have too many blogs, and I need to condense them into one. Maybe someday I will.
I had another rat pass away on Tuesday. Mr. Nibbly (Sexy Rexy) wound up catching pneumonia. He was a good boy, and I miss him very much.
I'm up to 6 rats now. Beeker (Pink-Eyed White,) Baby (Berkshire Cocoa Dumbo,) Mr. Rogers (Standard Black Berkshire,) El Presidente (Agouti Dumbo,) Captain Jack (Russian Blue Berkshire Dumbo) and Lucifer (Black Self Rex Dumbo.) A couple of my boys are fine examples of their color/breed, but I can't bring myself to begin breeding them. There's no way I could handle everything involved, so maybe I'll stud my boys. LOL There are tons of photos at my flickr account.
I should go to bed. I'll try updating more often.
Excreted by The Pooper around 12:55 AM
Not a lot has been going on since my last post, but I figured I'd update anyway. I keep trying to redesign the blog so I want to visit and post, but it isn't working. Anyway, on to the update.
When Robert the Cat died I wasn't too hip to getting another rat. Two months later, I now have 3 rats. Beeker's the oldest, and a good boy. He's an Albino rat who thinks he's a squirrel. Baby is the youngest, and smallest (Dumbo rat.) I've had him a little over a week, and thankfully he's still alive. When I got him the breeder told me he just needed some TLC since he was the runt. Additionally, she said if I didn't take him she'd feed him to her snake. So yeah, Baby came home with me. It turned out the poor little guy had pneumonia. He's much better, though, and gaining weight. The $73 vet bill was 100% worth it. He's very friendly and cuddly, almost like a cat. Originally Baby's friend and cage mate was Sneezy (Big Ears, a Dumbo rat like Baby.) Turns out Sneezy was a girl, so I had to take her back. She was a good girl, albeit slightly hyper. She's going to be sold as a pet, not snake food, because she's perfectly healthy. Anyway, I took her back Wednesday and got Mr. Nibbly (Sexy Rexy, Rex rat) as a friend for Baby. He's a good boy, and gets along well with Baby. All three rats seem to play well together, but the two smaller ones are too little for Beeker's new cage (they'd escape through the cage sides.) If Beeker's in an especially good mood, he'll give the other two rides around the bathtub on his back. I can't have a cat in this apartment, so the boys are my only pets for now, other than Fred the Chinese Algae Eater. I'll probably always have at least one rat from now on, even when I move in September and finally get a cat.
Work is work. I've established a nice routine, and know what's expected of me. I'm actively searching for a different job, because Governor Strickland cut funding (I work at a college) and I'm afraid I'll get "downsized." Hopefully I'll find something soon, in between here and Cleveland. I'm thinking of moving to North Royalton/Lakewood in September. I figure I can afford $400-$450 a month for rent, and since I'm living in a studio apartment right now, even an small one bedroom apartment will seem like a mansion. Rent's more expensive in North Royalton/Lakewood, but I should still be able to find something acceptable for $450 a month. But yeah, that's not until September and only if I find a different job.
The upstairs neighbor is stomping around at 2:30 in the morning. He's suck a cocksmooch. I would go into examples, but I'm actually tired, so I'm going to wrap this up.
Photos of the new pets are at my Flickr account in the Pets set.
Excreted by The Pooper around 1:46 AM