Sunday, April 08, 2007

Baby's Birthday Party & Other Things

The baby's 1st birthday party was yesterday. We wound up being an hour and a half late, but we finally arrived! There were 6-7 areas of snow, then clear roads. On the way home, the snow arrived, and stayed, for the last 20 minutes of the drive. Overall, though, a fun time was had by all. The baby made out like a bandit with goodies, and he seemed to enjoy his first birthday cake. Photos are in a MySpace album, and are set to private. If you're not on MySpace, or aren't one of my MySpace friends, email me for the photos. I'll also have them on Flickr, but set to private as well.

I just found out two of my favorite bloggers are no longer living together. For whatever reason, I've never actually met them, I'm upset. Maybe because they seemed so well-suited for each other? They're still friends, but don't live together anymore. Guess nothing's as it seems.

I really need to hang up the clean clothes, then wash the dirty ones. I figure if I wash clothes once a week, I won't wind up with 7 baskets of clothes at once. Yeah, that sucks.

I've run out of steam already.....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Lucky Asses

Heh, I am one lucky ass. Tuesday night after the concert, we went to the Garage Bar. Well, on the way from the Garage Bar we got pulled over. Yeah, we were both smashed, but somehow we didn't wind up in jail. This is good.

The concert was good, and the weather cooperated.

Today's the baby's birthday! Tomorrow is his party.

I slept all day because I'm lazy. Now, I need food.

Morgan brought home another rat. I told him not to, but of course he didn't listen. I pretty much ignore it because he's not nearly as cool as Robert was.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Hard Realization

Last night I came to the realization I can't depend upon anyone, not even my own mother. This is pretty hard to realize, but I'd suspected so for quite a while. It would be nice to have at least one person I could depend on, but I don't. I guess the old saying really is true; everyone lets you down in the end.

In other news, I spent 3 hours last night at Aultman's Emergency Department. I managed to get myself a pretty decent pinched nerve in my neck. All I know is it hurts like a bastard, and it's been like this for over a week. The Valium seems to help, but I don't know if I'll be able to take one and go to work. So I guess I'm stuck hurting during the day, and passing the fuck out at night. At least I can sleep, though.

Tuesday is the Type O Negative show in Cleveland. I'm going with my friend Jess, then we're going to the Garage Bar afterward. Luckily I don't have to be at work until 2PM on Wednesday. Speaking of work, I get Friday off since it's a holiday!

Friday the baby will be a year old. His party is Saturday at 2PM. Anyone who wants photos email me; I'm no longer posting his photos online.

I get to wash clothes tonight. I only have 7 baskets to wash and dry. Yay.

This blog is getting stale, but I'm not ready to quit just yet.