Sunday, April 08, 2007

Baby's Birthday Party & Other Things

The baby's 1st birthday party was yesterday. We wound up being an hour and a half late, but we finally arrived! There were 6-7 areas of snow, then clear roads. On the way home, the snow arrived, and stayed, for the last 20 minutes of the drive. Overall, though, a fun time was had by all. The baby made out like a bandit with goodies, and he seemed to enjoy his first birthday cake. Photos are in a MySpace album, and are set to private. If you're not on MySpace, or aren't one of my MySpace friends, email me for the photos. I'll also have them on Flickr, but set to private as well.

I just found out two of my favorite bloggers are no longer living together. For whatever reason, I've never actually met them, I'm upset. Maybe because they seemed so well-suited for each other? They're still friends, but don't live together anymore. Guess nothing's as it seems.

I really need to hang up the clean clothes, then wash the dirty ones. I figure if I wash clothes once a week, I won't wind up with 7 baskets of clothes at once. Yeah, that sucks.

I've run out of steam already.....