This week has been so painful on different levels. Physically I have two new tattoos, both of which weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Crow wasn't anywhere near as painful as Servo was, and the Firebird tattoo hurts more now than it did while I was getting it. The labret (lip piercing) didn't hurt at all during the actual piercing, and only swelled for a day, if that. It was more of a getting used to it thing the first couple days, and now I'm completely used to it. For some reason this week dragged by, even with Monday being a holiday. I started a new schedule this week; no my permanent schedule, but only 20 hours a week. While 20 hours a week is nice, I'm getting the crap schedule because Angel has 2 kids. She can't work the evenings because of her kids, which is cool. I prefer evenings anyway, but I'll be glad when my schedule is a normal Monday-Thursday from 1PM-6PM. I've had quite a few "issues" at work with computers and stuff, but I fixed everything I could because I rock! Overall I'm going to enjoy this job, and it gives me plenty of study time as well.